Summer Team Cup
Summer Team Cup
The Summer Team Cup is a national team cup competition, providing friendly competitive matches to excite and motivate players who are able to return to court during the Summer period!
- Anyone can enter a team, be it through a club, county or simply a group of friends.
- Teams require 2 men and 2 women per match (different players can play each match, as long as they haven’t represented another team)
- Teams will be asked to self-assess their standard so that we can pool teams against other teams of a similar level.
- Teams will be placed into local groups of approximately 4 teams, of a similar standard.
- Teams will play each other once on either a home or away fixture, as allocated by Badminton England.
- Matches will last approximately 2 – 2.5 hours
- Matches will consist of 6 rubbers, with each player playing 3 rubbers: 1 x Men’s Doubles, 1 x Women’s Doubles, 4 x Mixed Doubles
- Teams manager contact details will be shared for teams to make their own fixture dates and arrangements together.
- Teams share the cost of courts and shuttles for each match.
- Teams enter results online through the website.
- Winners of local groups will be invited to progress into a second Cup style stage.
- 30th June: Entry Closes
- July – 3rd October: Local group matches to be played
- October – December: Second Cup style stage (invitational)
Entry is now closed for the Summer Team Cup, and matches are underway.

Rules & Regs
- Teams are responsible together for costs in relation to the competition.
- Badminton England cannot take responsibility for any costs, however, may withdraw teams who do not pay their way.
- Badminton England cannot take responsibility for the behaviour of players – however any concerns or incidents should be reported to to be dealt with accordingly.
- Badminton England cannot take responsibility for the safety or security of players taking part in matches. Players compete at their own risk and it is the player’s responsibility to play safely.
- By playing, players confirm that they are not aware of any medical conditions that would prevent them from taking part in an active sport.
- Badminton England reserves the right to remove any player, for whatever reason.
- Any complaints, protests or appeals shall be submitted in writing to to be received within four days of the match concerned.
- Badminton England shall have the power to cancel, award or change match results, if, after full consideration, any protest made in writing within four days of the date of the match is upheld, or if Badminton England considers it to be in the best interests of the competition.
- Badminton England shall then take such action as may be appropriate under these Regulations, Regulations for Tournaments or Badminton England’s General Disciplinary procedures.
- Badminton England decision on all matters shall be final.
- Matches are self-umpired and should be conducted in the spirit of fair play.
- You call the lines on your side of the court.
- You can call a fault on your opponent, however it is their call – sometimes we miss things or think that a foul has occurred in the heat of a rally.
- Agree amicably – if uncertain give your opponent the benefit of the doubt or replay the point.
- Keep the score out loud between you to avoid any lost score or disagreement.
- Keep calm and keep it friendly – don’t lose your cool, don’t be rude, don’t be aggressive!
- Team Manager contacts will be shared, and should only be used for the purposes required of this comeptition.
- Rules on how to communicate:
- Stay Polite
- Don’t use vulgarity words and expression
- Stay respectful of each other
- Message on an individual basis
- Do not message all members of the leagues
- Message just to arrange and set fixture
- If any inappropriate language is used, it can be reported to, who can take action.
First Round: Local Groups
- Played July – 3rd October 2021
- Teams will be allocated into groups, of approximately 4 teams by Badminton England
- This will be determined based on the entry size, self-assessed team standard, and location of teams.
- Teams will play each other once in either a home or away fixture as allocated by Badminton England.
- Teams will make fixture dates and arrangements with one another.
- Badminton England reserves the right to re-balance the groups in any way that they believe will provide all teams with the best possible experience.
- Scoring for groups:
- A match result will be decided based on the rubber score: Teams will be awarded 2 points for a win, and 1 point for a draw (results of withdrawn teams are not included in determining group standings).
- At the end of the round, the winning team will be determined, in order, by:
- The team with the most points.
- If two teams are drawn, it shall be the winner of the match between those teams.
- If this was a draw, then from that match, the team with best games difference, and then best points difference.
- If more than two teams are drawn then the winner shall be determined by the team with most matches won, then best games difference, then points difference. the most matches won.
- If two or more teams are still drawn the winner shall be determined by Badminton England.
- Where a match that has not been played affects the winner of a group this may be appealed to Badminton England to make a decision on the outcome of the final positions of the group. Any appeal must be received before 3rd October.
Second Round: Cup style round
- Played October – December 2021
- The format of the cup style round will be determined before the 3rd October, based on the entry size, self-assessed team standard, and location of teams.
- Winning teams from each group will be invited to join the second cup style round.
- If winning teams choose not to progress, lower placed teams cannot be promoted into their position.
- Teams need 2 men and 2 women for each match (different players can play each match, as long as they haven’t represented another team).
- A match between two teams will consist of 6 rubbers, with each player playing 3 rubbers: 1 x Men’s Doubles, 1 x Women’s Doubles, 4 x Mixed Doubles
- M1+M2 vs M1+M2
- W1+W2 vs W1+W2
- M1+W1 vs M1+W1
- M2+W2 vs M2+W2
- M1+W1 vs M2+W2
- M2+W2 vs M1+W1
- Rubbers will played best of 3 games to 21 points using rally point scoring (with extended scoring to 30 points).
Setting up Matches:
- Badminton England will place teams into groups shortly after the closing date, and allocate the home teams for each fixture.
- Teams have a joint responsibility to set up matches. Home teams should be considerate of travel time for the away team.
- Organise your matches straight away! What seems like a long time soon becomes a last-minute scramble.
- Contact the other teams in your group, letting them know your preferred days/times of play.
- Agree match arrangements in writing.
Match Costs
- Teams will share the cost of courts and shuttles for a match.
- Shuttle costs will be fixed, calculated as the cost of 3 dozen where feathers are used and 1/2 dozen where plastics are used.
- The home team should confirm the match cost to the away team before the fixture.
- The method of payment should be agreed by both team managers before the fixture.
Courts and Shuttles
- A minimum of 2 courts for 2 hours must be booked (total 4 court hours)
- We recommend booking an additional 1 court hour in case of a long match.
- Plastics or feather shuttle can be used as long as both team managers agree – the default is feather shuttles.
- Shuttles must be of a good quality and the brand and if you are brand conscious then agree exactly what you will use so there is no confusion on the day.
Playing Matches
- At the start of a match, opposing team captains must exchange their completed teams before play commences.
- Team sheets must be clearly written, and include first name and surname for each player, and where known their membership details.
- Once exchanged, they cannot be changed, except for a player substitution.
- Team Managers may agree an order of play, however in the case of disagreement the default order of play shall be used:
- M1+M2 vs M1+M2
- W1+W2 vs W1+W2
- M1+W1 vs M1+W1
- M2+W2 vs M2+W2
- M1+W1 vs M2+W2
- M2+W2 vs M1+W1
- The period for knocking up shall not exceed three minutes.
- Team managers should agree all the scores at the end of the match and sign the opposing team managers scoresheet.
- The winning team shall be responsible for submitting the scores, within 72hrs of the end of the match, online to Badminton England. In the event of a draw, the home team must upload the score sheet.
What if a player/team arrives late?
- If you are running late to a match let the opposing team manager know as soon as possible – make sure you get an acknowledgement.
- Team managers should consider changing the order of play if it it may allow more rubbers to be finished.
Unfinished matches
- If the match is not completed, and if it started on time, the home team shall forfeit any uncompleted or un-played rubbers.
- If either team is more than 15 minutes late and match courts are left unoccupied at the start of a match, any uncompleted or un-played rubbers left at
the end of the session shall be forfeited by the team that arrived late.
Player substitution
- Players cannot be substituted once they have commenced play in their first rubber.
- A player can be replaced in a team if the player to be replaced has not yet commenced play in their first rubber.
- Under these circumstances, both team managers will have the opportunity to change their mixed pairing order if none of these rubbers has started.
- If you are on the wrong end of a rescheduling/cancellation, try to be sympathetic; you never know when you may have to do the same.
- Please give as much notice as possible to the opposing team if a match cannot be played for any reasons.
- Both team managers should make reasonable attempts to re-schedule the match – everyone would much prefer to see matches played.
- Matches cancelled with proper reason (such as a result of bad weather, venue availability out of the home teams control, or other unforeseen exceptional circumstances considered valid by Badminton England):
- If the match cannot be re-scheduled, then the match will be recorded as a 0-0 draw, and each team awarded 1 point.
- Costs incurred must be shared by both teams equally.
- Matches cancelled without proper reason (such as unavailability of players):
- If the match cannot be re-scheduled, then the match will be recorded as a 6-0 and 2 points awarded to the non-offending team.
- Costs incurred will be borne by the defaulting team.
- Re-arranged match costs shall be shared equally as under normal circumstances.
- Badminton England shall have the power to cancel, award or change match results, if, after full consideration, any protest made in writing within four days of the date of the match is upheld, or if Badminton England considers it to be in the best interests of the competition.
- A team may withdraw itself from the competition at any time – please let us know at
- A team not completing 50% or more of their matches shall be considered to have withdrawn.
- Results of withdrawn teams are not included in determining group standings.

Win free shuttles
We have partnered with Babolat, and will be giving away 200 dozen Babolat shuttles to celebrate the launch of the new Summer Team Cup and the new Babolat Hybrid Shuttle. The new hybrid shuttle is a blend of feathers with a nylon skirt to provide a more durable and affordable shuttle than standard feather shuttles, but with feather shuttle flight quality.
All teams who complete their matches will be entered into a prize draw, for the opportunity to win 4 dozen of the hybrid shuttle, for 50 teams. Perfect to trial for your club night! The prize draw will be made after the local groups round.
The new hybrid shuttle is officially released on 1st August.
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