Badminton Session FAQs

Safe Sessions

We are requiring this to ensure that you can play safelyby having someone responsiblefor maintaining social distancing between players in the session and controlling the movement of players .

Any organised group activity will require a Covid-19 Officer. Organised group activity is defined as activity formally organised by a qualified instructor, club, national governing body, company, or charity. Social activity (defined as activity that is informal and self-organised) will not require a Covid-19 Officer.

We would advise all clubs to make hand sanitisers or wipes available for use at entrance/exit to venue/courts where possible. You should also check with the venue on its level of provision .

If you use this method, you musthave one for each group of players or the session Covid-19 Officermustbe able to manage a pegboard for each group. Only the Covid-19 Officeris able totouch and move the pegboard.

You do not need to wear a face covering while playing, but you should wear a face covering at all other times. Coaches are not required to wear face coverings while present in a work or volunteering capacity.

You should ensure players understand the guidelines before playing and reinforce this at the start of the session. If someoneisntfollowing them, you should remind them; if they continue to ignore the guidelines you should treat them in the same way as you would anyone not following the instructions for your session. 
As a National Governing Body, it is our responsibility to ensure that coaches, clubs, leagues etc are running their activities safely and take action to address any issues. If you become aware of any activity that is not following the guidelines, please report these using our contact form and selecting noncompliance.

Organising Sessions

Badminton England has made a free system available to affiliated clubs and registered coachesto help you managepre-booking Discover Badminton.

This system also enables you to organise players into groups and retaintheir details to meet the requirements of NHS Test and Trace.To access the Discover Badminton Platform please completeour contact formselecting Discover Badminton from the options.

We have also developed guidanceon how to use the system. You can take payment through this system aswellbutyou should be aware that transactions fees do apply (as they do for any online payment system).

Advice on communicating with your members and players can be foundthrough ourCommunications Checklist Guide.


Spectators are permitted at Step 3, but need to adhere to social distancing rules and social gathering limits (groups of 30 outdoors and six people/two households indoors). The total number of all participants, coaches, officials and spectators must be aligned with the ventilation rates permitted by the venue. 

You will need tofind out how the venue is treating this before turning up for your session. You should agree with the club/coachhow this will operate .

If you are symptomatic or living in a household with someone else who has a possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection you should remain at home. Should someone fall ill during a session, you can find advice on thisin therisk assessment . 

Injuries should still be treated, as participant safety is of the utmost importance. You should take care to protect yourself and others through rigorous cleaning and personal hygiene, including increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting equipment and surfaces. Wearing face coverings is recommended, where this is possible and practical. 
After contact with an injured participant, you should clean their hands thoroughly with soap and water or alcohol hand sanitiser at the earliest opportunity. This advice is applicable to all situations, regardless of whether there was close contact or the minimum social distancing was maintained. They should also avoid touching their mouth, eyes and nose.

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