Outdoor Badminton Guidance FAQs
Yes – singles and doubles for both recreational and organised activity is permitted.
Organised activity must be formally organised by a qualified instructor, club, national governing body, company, or charity whereas recreational is self organised badminton activity.
There are group size limits for both recreational and organised activity. For recreational activity, the maximum is 6 players or two households. For organised activity this is a maximum group size of 15.
A pre-booking system which will enable you to keep attendance records for all sessions and matches, including who played in what groups for a minimum of 21 days is required in order to comply with the NHS Test and Trace. To help meet this need, Badminton England has made a booking system available (Discover Badminton) to affiliated clubs to manage your sessions and groups.
Yes – competition is permitted in line maximum group size limits.
Spectators are not permitted; carers for disabled people or adults needed to supervise under 18s in a safeguarding role permitted. They must not mix with others from outside their household and must observe social distancing. More information regarding this can be found on the Sport England website.
Badminton in schools can return under the jurisdiction of the school who have the flexibility to decide how physical education, sport and physical activity will be provided whilst following the measures in their system of controls. Schools are also able to work with external coaches, clubs and organisations for curricular activities where they are satisfied that it is safe to do so. Further guidance relating to PE and school sport can be found on the Government website. Badminton England have developed resources to support the return of badminton for both schools and coaches. Visit the Badminton England Resource Hub to access these.