Building on the success of the inaugural volunteer conference in 2019, Badminton England are excited to announce that the conference will be returning for 2020!
The aim of the 2020 conference is to improve the experience of volunteering within badminton, so volunteers feel more valued in the community and by Badminton England. We want to arm our volunteers with the appropriate tools and knowledge to play a key role locally in increasing the number of people playing badminton. The 2019 conference focused mainly on volunteering, and key aspects of recruiting, retaining and rewarding volunteers within clubs and leagues. Following feedback from the first conference, the 2020 event will look include more aspects of club development and support, giving attendees the choice of a wide range of learning topics with practical tips which can be implemented within their local club, league or county association.
*Conference Host to be confirmed shortly
Tickets for the conference are priced at £10 per person which includes a full day’s attendance at the conference (including two workshop choices), lunch and a ticket to watch the Yonex All England Semi-Finals (evening slot), 5pm – 10pm.
*Â Attendees must be Badminton England members, aged 14+
Date: Saturday 14th March 2020
Time: 10am – 4pm
Venue: The International Convention Centre (ICC), Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EA
Booking Deadline: Friday 6th March 2020
Contact Details: Holly Robson: hollyrobson@badmintonengland.co.uk or Alex Roe: alexroe@badmintonengland.co.uk