Gateley Legal Helpline

Free-to-access legal advice for all Badminton England affiliated clubs and coaches.
Badminton England and new Legal Partner Gateley have teamed up to provide legal advice to the badminton community.
All affiliated clubs and coaches can now obtain free legal support over the phone on any legal matter including employment.
This includes 30 minutes of triage time to review your enquiry followed by 30 minutes of advice on the phone with an expert via the Legal Helpline.
Member Clubs and Coaches can also benefit from the same preferential rates supplied to Badminton England as part of the partnership.
In addition, clubs and coaches will soon have access to an online app which provides further advice and guidance on your legal queries. We’ll be adding more information to this on a regular basis to capture some of the most regular questions and concerns, so that everyone can benefit from the advice given. We will let all Members know when this is live.
Download The Badminton England Helpline Instruction Form Below To Find Out More And To Make Your Enquiry.