Badminton England Membership

Welcome to membership of Badminton England.

We are Badminton England, the National Governing Body for the sport of badminton in England. We ensure badminton remains a fully compliant, well governed and inclusive sport for everyone. Here to represent every member of the badminton community, we provide training, competition and investment to ensure the growth, safety and longevity of the game.

We aspire for success, selecting teams to represent England at junior, senior and para badminton international tournaments. But it is in England with our coaches, clubs and army of volunteers who help us inspire the next generation to play badminton.

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As a Badminton England member you will receive exclusive discounts from a range of partners along with public liability insurance and a discount for tickets to attend the YONEX All England Open Badminton Championships. Find the full list of benefits available to you by selecting your membership category below. When joining Badminton England, you are also helping us invest back into the sport through a range of projects and initiatives.

To find out more about how we use your membership fees and some of the work we have achieved within the badminton community, visit our Badminton England’s Work In the community section below

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Growing Our Community | Badminton England

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Delivering Competitions & Major Events

Supporting Young People | Badminton England

Supporting Young People

Growing Facilities Provision | Badminton England

Growing Facilities Provision

Supporting Our Community Workforce | Badminton England

Supporting Our Community Workforce

Growing Our Community

Larchfield Badminton Club located in Darlington is a thriving club with a growing membership base and has now set its sights on re-entering teams and competing in the local Darlington & District League in the future. However, back at the start of 2022 things were quite different.

The club was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and when indoor sports were allowed to return, many players had left badminton, choosing to seek their fitness and socialising in other activities. This presented a huge challenge for the club, who for the first time were now in a position where they were dipping into their reserve finances to cover the costs to hire their facilities badminton courts.

As an affiliated Badminton England club, the Larchfield committee were already in close contact with their Badminton England Relationship Manager, but when it became apparent that their funds were running out, more needed to happen and fast.

Holly Robson, who is the Badminton England Relationship Manager for the North East & Yorkshire, was quick to make an impact, advising on different ways and opportunities the club could increase its membership by welcoming new players.

One of Holly’s suggestions was to run No Strings Badminton sessions.

She said: “No Strings Badminton sessions are such a fantastic way for clubs and facilities to open their doors and welcome new players to the sport. The sessions are for adults of any ability and are not coach led, its just about playing the game of badminton in a fun and friendly atmosphere!”

With Holly’s support, the club received a £250 grant from Badminton England, which allowed them to secure court block bookings for club nights and No Strings sessions. Five club members then completed their online No Strings Badminton coordinator training which is free to Badminton England club members. With this knowledge and a local marketing campaign to promote the new sessions, No Strings Badminton began!

The club now has an established No Strings Badminton session each week, with a smooth internal booking process that ensures the club books each week the correct number of courts for the number of attending players. The club’s finances are now in a stronger position, with an increased number of club members.

If you would like to find out how No Strings Badminton sessions could introduce new players to your club, contact your local Badminton England Relationship Manager here

Oversubscribed clubs are always great to hear about and we are keen to assist in helping to expand programmes further, introducing new sessions to new players. There is however a risk when taking this leap, as new sessions require time and investment to promote and secure court bookings in a block period. 

Steve Turner Head Coach at Rugby Badminton Coaching, a Badminton England affiliated club, encountered this challenge earlier this year. As a club that mainly catered for adults, he saw an opportunity to grow his programme, creating a new junior section. This sustainable vision would help secure the longevity of the club, with juniors being introduced to the game, progressing over time to become competent match players, able to compete in club nights and local league badminton. 

Working with Badminton England’s Relationship Manager Alex Lane, Steve submitted a business proposal which helped to secure a £400 grant to help establish the first block of junior coaching sessions in September. The grant will allow Steve to secure court bookings for a set period and allow junior players with little or no badminton experience, the ability to trial sessions before they become regular paying players.  

Alex Lane, Area Relationship Manager for Badminton England, said: 

“It is great to see clubs utilising the support from Badminton England to help expand their programmes and even better to see the creation of a new junior club, with improved opportunities for young people being a key focus for Badminton England over the coming years. 

Steve Turner said:  

“Alex Lane from Badminton England has been great with supporting me to set up Rugby Badminton Coaching. The club have been running much needed adult beginner sessions for a year and we are now being supported further by Badminton England to launch a junior session in September.” 

If you are a Badminton England coach or affiliated club looking to expand your club’s programme, reach out to your area relationship manager here now and see what help they can offer. 

For clubs who are not affiliated with Badminton England, visit the membership page now to see the benefits a club membership with Badminton England brings.   Club Affiliation | Badminton England

Loughton Lodgers established themselves as a Badminton England affiliated junior club in Milton Keynes.

Gradually over time, the parents of children who were attending junior coaching started to express an interest in the game themselves. Together with Badminton England’s area relationship manager Luke Hornsley, club volunteer coach Herman Fung devised a new parent and child coaching session to slowly introduce more adult players to badminton, many who had never played the sport before.

With a small amount of funding and structured guidance from Badminton England, the club was able to secure facility hire for courts and coaching to cover six new sessions, allowing new families the opportunity to try badminton for free.

These new family badminton sessions quickly gained momentum with existing juniors and their parents, but also attracting many families from outside of the club in the local community.

The six trial sessions started in February this year 3-5pm on a Sunday., with times recommended by Luke to make the sessions accessible to families. The family sessions each week attracted 12 players, overall introducing 30 new players outside of the club to badminton throughout the six week period.

The club now delivers paid family badminton sessions weekly as part of their coaching programme, using two courts for adults and two courts for juniors, often mixing players for warm ups and challenges. With Badminton England’s support, Loughton Lodgers have grown their on court numbers, increased the club’s finances and continue to attract new adult and junior players from the local area.

Delivering Competitions & Major Events

Supporting Young People

The Racketpack programme offers young children in schools and clubs their first introduction to badminton. Delivered through a variety of skills, drills and fun activity cards, the focus is less on technique and more on enjoyment and fundamentals. This makes it the perfect activity to include in a primary school summer celebration event, which is exactly what Hertfordshire do annually.

For Badminton England, this school summer celebration event provided a brilliant opportunity to promote the use of the Racketpack to School Games Organisers, in order for them to encourage all 12 School Sports Partnerships (who each consist of a collective of local schools) to have a school representing their area at the end of year event.

To encourage this, Badminton England’s Relationship Manager, Julie Pike, worked hard to get new School Games Organisers on board with the Racketpack programme who each covered the North Herts and Sele School Sports Partnerships areas. This was by no means an easy task, given the large number of sports that schools have the opportunity to pick from and engage with.

Earlier this year, Julie helped to organise and successfully deliver two Racketpack festivals in both School Sports Partnerships, with 8 schools and over 80 children attending each event.

To further support the delivery of these badminton Racketpack festivals, Julie utilised the help from local secondary aged pupils who were on school leadership programmes. These pupils helped to run the on-court activity stations and through their passion and dedication to sport, really brought the festivals to life for the younger age players.

Badminton England Relationship Manager Julie Pike said,

“As a regular badminton player and someone who started playing at primary school, I love to see children experiencing their first taste of badminton at Racketpack festivals. The activities and games are always so well received by the players and really help enhance the basic fundamentals of the sport in a really fun way. I really hope many of these players continue playing badminton within the many clubs and facilities in Hertfordshire.”

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The Racketpack festivals gave many children their first positive experience of badminton and received excellent feedback from teachers and School Games Organisers.

Lisa Robinson School Games Organiser for North Herts said,

“ I have had fantastic feedback from all the schools that attended the Racketpack festival who all had an amazing day playing badminton. Next year I hope to work with Badminton England again and will try and go further and deliver a festival to older pupils in year 5 and 6”

Over the past year Badminton England have helped deliver nine Racketpack school festivals throughout the East Region which includes Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk, reaching over 600 primary school children.

If you would like to find out more about the Racketpack for your club or school, contact your area Badminton England Relationship Manager here

Junior players from across England were in action at the first-ever Disability Junior National Championships in June earlier this year.

Held at the English Institute for Sport in Sheffield, secondary age (Years 7-11) junior badminton players with a physical impairment had the chance to play and compete in a new event, marking the first time many of them had such an opportunity to play competitively.

Before heading to Sheffield, players were able to attend two regional training days delivered by their Regional Disability Coach. This gave them to chance to play and train with other players from their region.

The Disability Junior National Championships was for new players to get involved in our sport and play some fun competition. Seven regions competed in the event across four teams, with 12 players representing their region.

The event has grown the playing base of disabled junior players accessing badminton locally and long term will support the growth of Para badminton.

Regional Disability Coach Richard Morrissey said: “Players have been able to take part in a competitive but fun tournament, and it’s also encouraged new players to be introduced to a sport they may not have had access to before.

“This will be a great foundation that we can build on over the next few years to raise the profile of disability and Para badminton in England.”

For the players involved, the competition provided not only a chance to meet new people and have fun on court, but also inspire them to continue playing badminton.

Samuel, a player representing the East & Midlands team, had such a positive experience that, his parent, Andrew Gray stated, “Samuel wants to go all the way and get on the Para pathway, and this has been really eye-opening on what he needs to achieve to get there.”

Samuel himself added: “I’ve enjoyed winning today! I’ve enjoyed learning and playing with my partner Finn, he’s taught me a lot.”

“My coaches have been great coaches for the team. I’d love to play again next year.”

And it was not just the players themselves who enjoyed their day, with parents of those involved also taking a great deal from the action in Sheffield.

One parent commented: “It’s been a really well-put-together event. As a parent, it’s been great to see my child learning what he needs to do on court and enjoy the sport.

“It’s been social, fun, and great to spend some time together. These events are so important and this team event, and badminton, is a great sport for socialising with other players.

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The event was a great success with the South Central & South West region winning.

Another parent commented; “We’d like to express our thanks to the team of coaches, umpires, and players for a great day of badminton today.”

“Thank you for being so inclusive in the true sense of the word and being flexible and understanding about my child’s needs. She loved her day of badminton, and her confidence and enthusiasm has been lifted.” – Pippa Wauthier, parent and Dwarf Sport Association UK Region Co-ordinator.

“This has been a great opportunity to raise the profile of disability badminton.” – Richard Morrissey, Regional Disability Coach.

More information on how to get involved in disability badminton can be found on Badminton England website here.

Badminton England’s successful Young Leader Academy returned earlier this year to give standout young players the chance to improve their leadership skills.

Clubs across the country nominated up to two young members to participate in the weekend session, and 24 exceptional applicants were invited to the National Badminton Centre over the 11-12 March.

The weekend was fully funded by Badminton England, who are investing in the personal development of young players to help towards the growth and sustainability of clubs across the country and to encourage more juniors into the sport.

Badminton England Relationship Manager Julie Pike hailed the Young Leader Academy as essential foundation-laying for the future health of badminton clubs throughout the country.

“Succession planning is an important part for any club to ensure the club is sustainable long into the future,” said Julie.

“Providing juniors who show a willingness and desire to be more involved by increasing their opportunities allows them a chance to grow in a positive environment that promotes personal growth.

“Many of our young leaders have had this first positive experience within their clubs and are keen to develop their skills to give back to the sport they love.

“They aspire to be our coaches, umpires, line judges and committee members of the future.

“Our clubs can nurture and mentor them to ensure they want to be part of the club and the sport for a lifetime!”

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A Q&A session with Lauren Smith and Marcus Ellis kickstarted the weekend’s activities, and all attendees departed enthused and motivated to start playing a leading role in their home clubs.

This involves volunteering to coach younger players and act as role models to the next generation of English shuttle stars.

Julie said: “The skills developed through volunteering at their club are invaluable.

“This could be through increasing their confidence and communication skills by helping coach the younger players within the club, or learning new skills through supporting to run club competitions.

“It provides an opportunity to give back to the club that has nurtured them and supported their growth as a player, and it helps the younger players within the clubs to have older juniors who they can aspire to be.

“Volunteering as a whole is good for both physical and mental health and ultimately helping to develop the skillset they will require when progressing into future careers.”

The National Youth Voice Forum is working to raise the profile of young people in badminton and give them the chance to have their opinions and feedback listened to. 14 young people aged between 14 and 17 are part of the group who will help Badminton England in our development and understanding of future projects and delivery aimed at young people.

Reflecting on the launch last year, Ruby Clark, 15 from Berkshire, said: “Such a great day and an amazing opportunity. I felt so lucky to have been there, been able to give my opinions, and feel as if I had a voice to be heard and a valid opinion helping Badminton England.  

“It was so enjoyable to contribute towards making young people love badminton just as much as me. 

“We’ve been discussing things about how to get more people volunteering and how to improve young people’s experience of badminton.”

“It was great to see everyone in person and discuss topics, I finally felt like some of the issues surrounding coaches and players will be listened to and I can have the opportunity to change them,” said 17-year-old Sian Phillips, from Yorkshire. 

“It’s been amazing, we’ve got to meet people that I think a lot of us would have dreamt of meeting but never have thought we would have met. 

“It was great to hear everyone else’s thoughts too and I absolutely loved talking to the players it was a dream come true 

“We’ve been given the opportunity to change things for younger people and really improve the standard of coaching across England.”

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The members will take part in meetings every few months both online and in person. 

All 14 took part in an application process to be selected and will shape the future of the sport as well as developing their own skills. 

Senior Relationship Manager, Lee Ward said: “We are really excited to launch our National Youth Voice Forum.  

“Our first cohort of forum members, who we now view as part of the Badminton England team, are a fantastic group of young people from across the country and their passion for making a difference is hugely inspiring.  

“Ensuring the voice of young people is heard and represented in the decisions we make as an organisation is very important to us and we are looking forward to seeing the impact that this group will undoubtedly have.” 

Growing Facilities Provision

In late 2021, Royal Docks Academy replaced their old rubber sports floor with a brand new Taraflex floor, a superior surface suitable for badminton. Badminton England approached the school to explore opportunities around a direct lettings partnership which would help the school financially and help local badminton players in the area.

At the same time, local coach Anthony Mcdonald from the Badminton Collective reached out to Badminton England as he was in a position to expand his badminton programme, but did not have the court availability to do so. Together they approached the Academy and reached an agreement for a court lettings partnership.

As a result of the partnership, the clubs future has become more sustainable, with the Academy receiving weekly block bookings and administration covered by Badminton England.

Watch the video below and meet Anthony Mcdonald, Head Coach from the Badminton Collective and hear what he has to say about Badminton England’s support.

Visit our facilities page here to find out more about Badminton England Lettings

Supporting Our Community Workforce

Earlier this year as part of our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, we delivered a Female Leadership & Coaching Programme to a number of Badminton England registered coaches. We are hoping to attract more females to play badminton and the development of female coaches is key to this.

Watch our video and hear from Sue Storey, Badminton England Chief Executive as she explains why Badminton England will be putting time and effort into supporting women in our badminton community for the good of the sport

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