UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) is the UK national body responsible promoting clean sport and Badminton England (BE) is signed up to the World Anti-Doping Code, which is a framework for anti-doping policies, rules and regulations.
BE has also submitted its application to comply with the UKAD Assurance Framework to demonstrate our commitment towards anti-doping and promoting a clean sport.
All coaches and support staff working in Badminton are encouraged download the 100%me Clean Sport App, which contains all you need to know about clean sport in one place – click here to access.
UKAD is launching a new eLearning course called Introduction to Clean Sport, will be available on UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub from 1 April 2022.
The new course will replace the Clean Sport Advisor (previously called Accredited Advisor Assessment) and provide need-to-know anti-doping education for support personnel working in sport, parents of young athletes and fans of clean sport.
Split into six core modules, the Introduction to Clean Sport course will provide the foundation for all learners and an overview of anti-doping and clean sport.
The course is part of a fundamental education pathway for people who require clean sport education as part of their job. It is also intended for people who are studying anti-doping in further or higher Education or are interested to learn more about clean sport.
Further modules will also be added as the course develops. Further information is available by clicking here.
Squeaky is the UKAD clean sport mascot, launched back in London 2012. Squeaky will be re-branded ahead of the Commonwealth Games this year, so watch out for the new version.
Coaches, athletes, support staff are all encouraged to sign up to follow Squeaky via following @theonlysqueaky on Instagram and @ukantidoping on Twitter.
For more information on the campaign, visit the Squeaky home page on the UKAD website here.