6 March, 2024
Badminton England are seeking positive and enthusiastic volunteers (aged 18+) to join our brand new National Schools Events & Development Committee (NSE&D).
The NSE&D Committee will bring together expert representatives from business, charity, the sporting and/or badminton community and the education industry to advise on the future development, implementation and monitoring of Badminton England’s approach to secondary school competition and participation.
The Committee will support and inform, through expert knowledge, guidance, insight and challenge, delivery of Badminton England’s Schools Action Plan, as an extension of Badminton England’s ‘A Sport for Everyone’ Strategy.
We are recruiting for 5 roles on the NSE&D Committee, as listed below:
- Administrator
- Treasurer
- County Representative
- Schools & School Games Organiser (SGO) Representative
- General Representative
Information on each of the roles can be found here.
To apply for any of these roles please use this online form to submit your application.