Duty of Care
At Badminton England, we believe Our People have the right to be treated with care, respect and dignity. Duty of care is an integral part of everything we do as an organisation – it is part of our culture, vision, values and everyday lives. Badminton England will demonstrate its responsibility to take reasonable care for the well-being and health and safety of its people.

We will
Listen to our People
Comply with our statutory health and safety responsibilities
Seek expert advice and identify good practice in the education and induction of players, parents and coaches who are part of our environment
Seek to support players who are transitioning into and through our pathway and performance programme and those who, for whatever reason, will exit
Seek to maintain, and promote, best practice in safeguarding policy and behaviour
Seek to protect our people from bullying and intimidation
Adopt a position of zero tolerance to all forms of discrimination
Commit to respecting equality and diversity across our people
Provide training and support for our people in respect of mental health paying particular attention to signs and indicators of those who may be in need of help
Seek to ensure a culture of regular, honest communication with those closely associated with our pathway and performance programme i.e. players, parents, coaches and ensure transparency in decision making is common practice
Definitions – Our people
Definition – Themes
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