Inaugural sport week a huge success

2020 has seen sport and physical activity take on an enhanced role in people’s lives.  

The inaugural Great British Week of Sport (19-27 September) aimed to demonstrate the positive effects sport can have on mental, physical and social wellbeing. 

Sport will play a crucial role in the nation’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, aiming to uniteand empower the UK after what has been such a tough year.  

The week saw themed days including women and girls, young people and inclusive sport 

Mindful Monday celebratethe many benefits getting active has on mental wellbeing.  

We looked back at our interview with two-time Olympic champion Joanna Rowsell and England’s Toby Penty as they discussed how sport helped them through some very difficult times. You can watch the video in full here 

There was no hump day in sight as Wednesday saw National Fitness Day across the country 

With gyms having been closed for many months, home workouts became the norm throughout lockdown and for many, this has continued.  

Once dubbed the new HIIT workout, badminton offers social benefits as well as helping achieve a healthy body and mind. We’ve been working to bring as many of you back onto court as quickly and as safely as possible to ensure you reap the benefits of our sport once again.

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