Doubles is back from 25th July

Today we are pleased to announce that after successfully lobbying government on your behalf, we are able to return to playing full court singles and full court doubles when indoor venues reopen from July 25th. To reflect this change, we have updated our guidance documents accordingly.

Whilst we are delighted that we are able to celebrate being another step closer to being back to badminton as we know it, we know that there are still challenges that remain to getting all of our clubs and players back on court. We are calling on the badminton community today to help us #openourcourts. 

Facility and court availability continues to be a major obstacle to our return to play. Badminton England is working with Government, Sport England and ukactive as well as leveraging partnerships with leisure operators and school facility providers to better understand the landscape facing our return from the 25th July. With opening dates and court availability in the hands of national and local operators who are doing all they can to reopen safely and in a way that secures their financial futurewe need your help in understanding whats open in your local area. 

By letting us know if your local leisure facility is open and accepting badminton bookings or closed for the foreseeable future, we can get a fuller picture of the extent of this challengehelping us to hone our lobbying to areas that need it most. We are encouraged by the results of our lobbying allowing for the reintroduction of doubles and remain optimistic that we can continue to make a difference in this ever changing situation 

You can let us know about your situation in a number of ways. Tweet @BadmintonEnglnd on Twitter or get in touch via the contact form here 

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