The aim of this academy is to equip young leaders with skills and knowledge to support provision in their clubs by sharing learning and becoming more actively involved in leading and coaching delivery.
Young leaders are also encouraged to explore volunteering opportunities and to raise the profile of badminton by using the skills they have developed to engage their peers and influence others who may not be interested in the sport, and to increase membership within their clubs.
The age range for any nominees for the academy is 13 – 16 years and clubs can nominate up to 2 young people who may already volunteer in a leader position within their club.
October 2020 Academy – this will be delivered remotely over 3 webinars, ranging from 45 mins – 1.5 hrs, over 3 days focusing on leadership, influencing and communication skills. This webinars will be held during October half term, Monday 26th – Friday 30th October (specific dates during this week & times to be confirmed).
February 2021 Academy – This follow up academy will be held in February 2021 (half term 15th – 19th February) at the National Badminton Centre (this will be over 2 days and will include an overnight stay, evening meal and activity). The cost of this will be covered by Badminton England.
If you believe you have up to 2 young people that you wish to nominate please encourage them to complete and return the nomination form.
All nominations must be received by Friday 28th August 2020 and can be completed through this link.
Note: please pay particular attention to the first question ‘Why do you wish to attend the Young Leader Academy’ as spaces are limited and if we are oversubscribed, this will form part of the selection process.