Badminton England is in communication with the Government and other relevant organisations regarding the coronavirus, and has been advised there is presently no reason people should stop doing their daily sport and physical activities as they normally would, which includes Badminton.

The latest Government guidance and information regarding the coronavirus can be found via the following link:

Preventing the spread of COVID-19

As with any other illness, all those involved in Badminton in Britain are encouraged to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and avoid catching it by following Public Health England and NHS guidance.

Information on how to do this is provided on the NHS.UK website, with additional information available on the Public Health England blog.

For badminton clubs and leisure centres the Government has advised that hand hygiene should be strongly promoted and encouraged, and equipment and facilities should be thoroughly cleaned and wiped down as usual following use.

Materials including posters for Public Health England’s campaign to help stop the spread of viruses can be downloaded from their resources website.

Anyone who has been advised to self-isolate as a result of developing symptoms and/or recent international travel to destinations specified by the Government, should not take part in any badminton activities for the duration of the self-isolation period. For further information see the website and the NHS.UK website.

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